The umbrella alumni association
On 22 February 2006, the umbrella faculty alumni association Science@Leuven was founded. The five existing alumni associations BVLG (Professional Association of Leuven Geologists), Chemists Leuven, LAGT (Leuven Alumni Geography and Tourism), PDL (Association of Graduates in Botany and Zoology of the University of Leuven) and VWNIL (Association for Mathematicians, Physicists and Computer Scientists Lovanienses) decided to work together more closely in the context of the changing educational and research reality. This does not mean that the old associations will no longer organise activities. On the contrary, they can continue to develop their initiatives as before, only from now on they will work as a sub-association within Science@Leuven.
If you do not want to lose the connection with our faculty after your studies, you can become a member of Science@Leuven. This way, you are not only automatically a member of the sub-association, but also of Alumni Lovanienses, the umbrella association of graduates of KU Leuven.
A standard Science@Leuven membership costs only €25 and more information about the benefits can be found via: